One could ply that dialectic euphemism ‘enough said’, about the photos above. There is more, though, to be considered.
The bones in the first x-ray are misaligned because of comminuted (read ‘nasty’) fractures in 2nd through 5th metatarsals, as well as an increasing ‘bunion’ in the first metatarsal (big toe). There was a fracture in the calcaneus too, but the heel bone was left alone.
The second photo is a fluoroscope of the surgeon’s hand pulling the pinky bone. This is so gorgeous. All the other bones dance into alignment. Of a sort. A few deck screws and a Herbert screw now maintain the alignment through Argentine Tango dancing and the assaults of daily living. It is really good, but it is not the original structure.
The point: bones are a system, alignment matters, keep yours precise and functional now; or start the path to regaining your original aligned design.
View a segment on the foot/ankle series.